Wednesday, 19 December 2012

O soro Yoruba? Here's some apps for that.

At our Yoruba dinner at 805 on Old Kent Road, my friend Segun showed me a Yoruba app on his iPhone. It looked pretty impressive. Turns out he was shown it by a friend in America. This is all well and good, except I use Android and always will and so I needed to find the same app on android. Sadly, I couldn't find that app on android so I went in search of any others. Here you go:

Yoruba Basic Phrases

Learn to Speak Yoruba Language

Plugin Yoruba

So there you go just 3 apps you can find on for learning Yoruba. There are about 6 more on android. I've not tested them out yet, but maybe if you try the above 3 you can give me your opinion and we can work to improving apps aimed at preserving African languages.

There is one app that you can find on both android and iPhone. It's called uTalk Yoruba. It's $11.99 on the apple store, £2.99 on Google's Play Store and made by EuroTalk.

I can't recall the name of the app Segun uses, but search around you'll find it if iOS is your thing.